Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh was appointed police chief of Amritsar City in April 2007 where he served for more than two years and a half. It was his third posting in the most sensitive city of Punjab and thus he utilized his earlier experiences to improve the crime and law & order situation of the city. His experiment of Pro-active policing received wide appreciation in the commoners as he managed to control the crime to a great extent. In this endeavor, he started to motivate the police to identify and chase the criminal and anti-social elements. He asked the policemen to remain accessible for the common people and he set an example to provide his personal mobile number and e-mail to the commoners and used to attend calls even at odd hours in the night. At one hand, he proved to be tough for the criminal elements and on the other, he insisted to give due respect and honor to the common citizens. His motto was ‘Respect for common citizens and stringent action against law breakers’. He re-defined the role of police where COP stands for Community Oriented Policing. His experiments of appointing women officers as Public Relation Officers (PROs) in the police stations created a people friendly atmosphere. Police Advisory Committee was set up by him in Amritsar which was later on replicated in other districts by the Government. On the investigation front, he used to monitor all sensitive and important cases personally, resultantly, the police was able to detect most of the major cases of sensitive nature. The officer is known for collecting strong foolproof evidence in the cases investigated by him. He managed the law and order situation in the holy city during Dera Sacha Sauda episode which triggered large scale violence and disturbance in Punjab and Haryana in May 2007. During Vienna Episode in May 2009, he proved his leadership capabilities and controlled the situation with the help of the police and the community. He was successful to maintain communal harmony in this city with his abilities to convince the masses. He proved to be a man of word and won over the confidence of the common people at large. His endeavor to provide speedy justice to the needy and helpless made him a true civil servant. The officer was also respected by the constabulary because of his welfare oriented work culture. He got full cooperation from the junior rank officers during difficult circumstances. He started and streamlined many projects to provide the citizens an atmosphere where they feel themselves secure and significant. Some of the important projects are: PRO system, Crime stoppers, Separation of investigation from law & order, Women & child helpline, Community Police Resource Centre, Tourism Police, Traffic helpline, Lodge your FIR system, IT Centre and Cyber Cell.
PROs to improve Police-Public relations
Amritsar Police introduced PRO system in the Police Stations to improve relations between the police and the community. Women Police Officers were deputed in the Police Stations to provide the citizens a community friendly atmosphere at the Police Stations. They were responsible for attending the public coming to the Police Stations for redressal of grievances. They were given power to register FIRs and to listen to the grievances of the public. People coming to the Police Stations were earlier attended by the Munshi (MHC) and even genuine complaints of common people were not dealt with properly. Most of the cases remained unattended due to unfriendly behaviour of the Munshi with the common people. Aims and objectives: • To work as a bridge between the Police and the Community • To create cordial relations with the public • To ensure Proper Public dealing • To make police more accountable for the redressal of grievances of common people • To ensure better coordination between Police and Public
Training: The officers posted in the PRO wing were imparted special training so that they can deal with the common people properly. They had also been given one week training in stress management, public dealing and Yoga organized by Bharatiya Vidya Bhawan Amritsar from April 24 to April 30, 2007 through Maharshi Patanjali Foundation Bombay. Regular refresher courses were being conducted in the District Training Centre for the PROs. Rotary Clubs of Amritsar have adopted various Police Stations to assist the PROs to bring improvements in the overall functioning of this Police Station.
Police Advisory Committee
In its efforts to streamline Community oriented Policing (COP), Amritsar Police set up a Police Advisory Committee. This Committee was set up in September 2007. The primary role of the Committee was to give valuable suggestions in the key policing areas. The committee comprising of intellectuals and various stakeholders of the society played a key role in improving police functioning and also making it community friendly. Regular meetings of the committee were held twice a month at a convenient place preferably in the schools and colleges. Members of the committee were selected from the various walks of the society to make it more representative. The committee consists of: 1. The representatives of Rotary Club Amritsar 2. Senior Professors of Guru Nanak Dev University Amritsar 3. Principals of schools and Colleges 4. Members of District Civil Defense 5. Representatives of Trade and industries 6. Representatives of CII (Confederation of Indian Industries) 7. Representatives of Bar, etc
The Police Advisory Committee and its various panels played a pivotal role in the police reforms initiated in the holy city. They assisted in bringing the community and the police closer and also to bring conceptual reforms in the core policing areas. They also created an atmosphere of community participation in day to day police functioning.
Besides this two sub-committees were also set up to improve traffic system and to tackle with drug menace.
Traffic Advisory Committee: The role of this committee was to suggest measures to improve the traffic system in the City and also to assist in the implementation process. Honorary Traffic wardens were selected to assist the police in the enforcement of traffic rules as well as to create awareness in the masses.
Drug Awareness Committee: This committee has been set up to tackle with the menace of drugs. The committee consisting of intellectuals, educationist and professionals used to suggest measures to curb the supply line of drugs and also to create awareness among the masses to reduce the demand line.
Friends of Police (FOP): Friends of Police (FOP) have been named and Area Defense Committees were set up at the Police Station level to ensure close co-ordination and co-operation of community at the ground level of policing. The basic idea behind this project was to inculcate a sense of responsibility in the common masses. The volunteers are known as Friends of Police (FOP) and are part and parcel of the police to implement reforms.
Advisory panels to make COP smoother
[The Tribune, Chandigarh, October 3, 2007]
To streamline community oriented policing (COP), the district police has set up a police advisory committee. It has also established two committees for smooth conduct of traffic and tackling drug menace. The advisory committee would assist the police in key policing areas. District police chief Kunwar Vijay Partap Singh said these committees would comprise persons from different areas of the city and from different walks of life. This would also help the police become friendly towards the common man. This model is based on active public-private participation to instill a sense of brotherhood and camaraderie in the public and also to workout common strategies to maintain law and order. He said the police had set up complaint boxes at various strategic locations to get a feedback from the public. The main motive behind this is to bring the community closer to the police without any bias or fear. The initiative will bring in infrastructural reforms in the core policing areas, said the SSP. He said certain grey areas in the police functioning were of serious concern which required to be looked into for the people to develop faith in functioning of the police. The SSP said these committees would hold meetings at least twice a month to discuss core policing issues. He said the committee would consist of the representatives of the Rotary Club Amritsar, senior professors of Guru Nanak Dev University, principals of schools and colleges, members of district civil defence, representatives of trade and industry, CII (Confederation of Indian Industries), Bar Council and any volunteers for common causes. The purpose of traffic advisory committee would be to suggest measures to improve the traffic system in the city and to assist in the implementation process of these suggestions. He said the traffic system in the city was in a total mess and needed urgent steps to check errant vehicles in the no parking zones. He said honorary traffic wardens would be selected to assist the police in the enforcement of traffic rules as well as to create awareness. The drug awareness committee formed to tackle the drug menace would consist of intellectuals, educationists and professionals who would suggest measures to curb the supply line of drugs and also to create awareness among the masses to reduce the demand line. [www.tribuneindia.com/2007/20071003/aplus1.htm#2]
Crime Stoppers for round the clock surveillance and security
Amritsar police has set up Crime Stoppers to ensure round the clock surveillance in the city to provide a sense of security to the citizens. More than 300 hundred officers of various ranks have been deputed for the purpose after imparting them special training and aptitude. The purpose of setting up this cell is to prevent snatching, abduction, robbery, eve-teasing and other similar crimes. Equipped with latest technologies, the crime stoppers have been given specific beats to cover. They work in three shifts and can be seen on gypsies and motorcycles at strategic points in the city. They have been able to minimize the incidents of chain snatching; eve teasing etc. to a considerable extent after the system has been put in place. Ten golden Rules for Crime Stoppers 1. Prevention of crime 2. Detection of Crime 3. To Show effective presence in the area 4. To create a sense of confidence in the general public 5. Immediate response to crime and Quick attendance of Scene of crime 6. To remove temporary obstacles in Traffic 7. To check banks, Patrol Pumps, Schools, Colleges, etc in the area 8. Close Liaison with concerned Police Station/Police Post 9. To receive complaints from the general public irrespective of jurisdiction 10. To maintain general law and Order in the area of responsibility
Women & Child Helpline
Amritsar Police has set up Women and Child Helpline in February 2009 with the efforts of SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh. The helpline is committed to provide round the clock assistance to the women who are victims of marital cruelty, excesses, torture, eve-teasing, ragging and other crimes against women. It also provides help to the children in distress. A dedicated toll free number 1091 has been started for the purpose. Any body can get help after dialing this number. Another phone number 9781101091 has also been earmarked for this purpose. A team of Women officers and counselors are available round the clock for this purpose. One gypsy including all accessories has been provided to this staff. It functions from the newly constructed building of Police Post Circuit House. This Helpline was inaugurated by Prof. Laxmi Kanta Chawla, Hon’ble Health Minister Punjab on 01.02.2009. She insisted upon providing women and children extra care to wipe out discrimination and exploitation of women in our male dominated society.
Objectives of the Women & Child Helpline 1. To provide assistance to the women victim of domestic violence 2. To provide assistance to the women victim of marital cruelty and torture 3. To provide help to the children in need 4. Protection of the girl students’ victims of ragging in the educational institutions 5. To deal with cases related with annoying phone calls and e-mails 6. To prevent the women from snatching and eve-teasing.
Family Counseling Cell
Amritsar Police has set up Family Counseling Cell to provide help to the people victim of any kind of family dispute. It functions in the newly constructed building of CPRC near Sadar Police Station. This cell provides quality counseling to settle family disputes including cases of matrimonial disputes. It works in close association with various NGOs like Rotary Club, Mahila Shakti, All India women Conference, AIHRA, District Red Cross Society and Punjab Women Commission. This Cell also functions as nodal agency for all such counseling centers working in the city. Aims and objectives: Peaceful settlement of matrimonial and other family disputes through counseling and mediation. Structure: This cell is headed by a lady officer of the rank of Sub-Inspector consisting of sufficient numbers of supporting staff including lady police officers. Services of professional psychologists, social workers and other experts are taken to provide quality counseling. Procedure: All the complaints regarding matrimonial and other family disputes received in the police stations or in the office of the Senior Superintendent of Police and Other officers are sent to the FCC for counselling.
Advantages: 1. Amicable settlement of family disputes through counseling with mutual understanding. 2. Timely preventive action can avert the actual occurrence of crime. 3. Sanctity of familial relationships can be saved from getting vitiated to the point of no return. 4. It can reduce the hassles of unnecessary litigation processes that people get into. 5. It is a pro-active endeavor to bring the community and the police closer to each other. We have extended the facilities of counseling in the prominent schools of the city aiming to provide counseling aid in an informal atmosphere.
Counseling centres have been set up at the following schools and we are in the process to extend this facility to some more institutions: a. DAV Public School, Lawrence Road b. Bhawan SL Public School
CPRC Amritsar
In its efforts to streamline the project COP (Community Oriented Policing), Amritsar Police has set up Community Police Resource Centre (CPRC) for the convenience of common people and to provide public utility services at one place at district level. This CPRC is located at the GT Road near Police Station Sadar. CPRC is a concept to provide the community a friendly atmosphere in the police functioning. The CPRC Amritsar is providing a number of public utility services like FIR Registration, Public Grievances system, Passport verification, Family Counseling, Women Helpline, Traffic Helpline, Tourism Helpline, Untrace Report, Permission for Public functions, RTI, Senior Citizens help, PCC etc.
Concept of CPRC The concept of CPRC is the brain child of Sh. AA Siddiqui, IPS, Director General of Police, Punjab (2003-05). He inspired a number of studies and arranged various seminars and conferences to moot this idea. He also headed an Indian Delegation to the United Kingdom where Indo-UK Police Conference was convened in Liverpool in 2003 on Community Policing. Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh, the then SP City Amritsar was also a part of the Indian Delegation. Thereafter this concept of CPRC was drafted and implemented in Punjab. Later on, this concept was given legal status under the Punjab Police Act 2007. Section 14 of the Act describes the concept and implementation of CPRC.
CPRC contacts: FIR, Complaints and PGC: 9781130611 RTI, PCC & Untrace Report: 9781130612 Verification of Passport: 9781130613 Security arrangements, Servant Verification: 9781130614 Family Counseling: 9781130615 CPRC Co-coordinator: 9781130501 E-mail: cprcamritsar@gmail.com
Grievance Redressal For the redressal of grievances of common people, one senior officer remains present from 11.00 to 17.00 hours. The idea behind this concept is to provide speedy justice to the people in need. District Police Chief himself listen public grievances for two hours daily. The officers are available at the CPRC as per following time table: 11.00 to 13.00 hours: Senior Superintendent of Police 13.00 to 15.00 hours DSP HQ Amritsar 15.00 to 17.00 hours SP HQ Amritsar First Information Report (FIR) One separate counter has been earmarked for the purpose of facilitating the people to lodge their FIRs. A person who wants to lodge an FIR may approach this counter and submit his/her complaint in the prescribed format available at the counter. The same is sent to the concerned Police Station for registration of FIR and a copy of the same is sent to the applicant or he/she may collect the copy of the same from the same counter on the next day. People can register their FIRs from this counter irrespective of jurisdiction of police station and this system has given relief to the common people. There are three other counters in the city which provide the same facility to the people which are located at the following places: 1. Golden Temple (Police Assistance Booth) 2. Hall Gate 3. Circuit House Helpline People can post their FIR online through our website www.amritsarpolice.com.
Tourism Helpline This helpline provides assistance to the tourists who need police help. It gives all kind of information related with the tourists and Amritsar as a tourist destination. Tourism Police has also been set up for the convenience of the tourists. [For details, Please visit www.amritsarpolice.com/tourism_helpline.html]
Traffic Helpline Traffic helpline provides the citizens all kinds of information related with traffic management, route diversion and traffic awareness. [For details, please visit traffic portal at www.amritsarpolice.com]
Family Counseling CPRC has made special arrangements to resolve family disputes especially domestic violence and matrimonial disputes. Women helpline provides round the clock assistance to the victims of domestic violence. [For details, Please visit www.amritsarpolice.com/women_helpline.html] Senior Citizens helpline is also available in the Family Counseling centre.
Untrace Report Untrace report can be obtained in the cases of theft from the CPRC. One has to apply in the prescribed format giving all details and the report is made available within a week after getting it from the concerned Police Station. NRI Helpline NRI Helpline has been provided at the CPRC for the convenience of the Non Resident Indians who are facing difficulties. NRI counter provides facility of FIR registration and complaint monitoring related with the NRIs.
Right to Information (RTI) RTI counter provides all kind of information which can be given to people under RTI Act 2005. One can apply for the information in the prescribed format and the same is made available in a given time frame.
PCC Police Clearance Certificate can be obtained from the CPRC. PCC is required for various reasons especially for the purpose of applying for Visa etc.
Passport Verification A person can get information about progress of his/her passport verification status. This counter also provides verification status of other things like Arms License, service etc.
Foreigners Section A separate counter has been made to deal with matters related with the foreigners. This is mostly useful to the people visiting Pakistan by Lahore Bus or Nankana Sahib Bus.
Tenant and Servant Verification The CPRC also provides facility for verification of tenants and servants.
We dedicate this Community Resource Centre to Sh. A.S.BRAR, IPS, SSP Patiala and Sh. KRS Gill, SP HQ Patiala who achieved martyrdom on 14-12-1987 fighting against anti-national elements. Sh. AS Brar, an IPS officer of 1979 batch remained posted as ASP in Amritsar in his early stage of service. Sh. KRS Gill, an IPS officer of 1982 batch belongs to Amritsar City. We salute the supreme sacrifice made by both the officers for the sake of bringing peace and normalcy in the State..With sincere tributes
Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh, IPS Surender Singh Sidhu
Lodge your FIR
‘Lodge your FIR’ is an initiative by Amritsar Police for the benefit of the public. Common people always make complaints about non-registration of FIRs as well as having to face problems regarding jurisdiction of Police Stations. The project was initiated in January 2008 by SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh with a view to provide additional platform to lodge FIR and complaints. A simple and brief format of FIR has been devised for lodging complaints. The format can be obtained from centrally located booths. One can report about any complaint related to any Police Station at these booths without any problem of jurisdiction. The booths are centrally located at the following 4 places: 1. Golden Temple 2. Circuit House Police Post 3. Hall gate 4. CPRC near Police Station Sadar
How to lodge an FIR: • Take a format of FIR from the officer on duty present in the booth. • Fill up the columns of the format. • Hand over the same to the officer on duty. • Take a receipt of the same. All these complaints are sent to the SSP on the same day. After initial scrutiny, these complaints are further sent to concern Police Stations for formal registration of FIR. Copies of FIR are delivered to the complainants through Beat officers. However intimation of FIR number and other particulars are sent through E-mails in case the complainants belong to far flung areas. This is in addition to other means of lodging FIRs. Amritsar Police has adopted the policy of Free and genuine registration of FIR for the convenience of the general public. Burking of crime as well as tagging of a number of incidents particularly theft incidents in a single FIR has been strictly prohibited. Earlier, there were complaints from the general public that FIRs were not registered freely and common public had to face difficulties to claim insurance because their names did not appear in the FIR.
Other means to register FIR It is very easy to lodge an FIR in Amritsar. One can choose any of the following methods to lodge an FIR: 1. You can visit the Police Stations and lodge your complaints to the PROs. You can give written or oral report; in any case the PRO will register the FIR. You can get a copy of the FIR free of cost. 2. E-mail: You can send your complaint through E-mail on the IDs -- ssp.amritsarcity@nic.in or info@amritsarpolice.com or “policehelp100@gmail.com”. Your FIR will be registered and you can get a scanned copy of the FIR or gist of the FIR. 3. Complaint Boxes: You can drop your complaints in the complaint boxes installed at various places in Amritsar. 4. Telephonic FIR: Your FIR can be registered on telephone in exceptional cases where the complainant is not in a position to lodge complaints in the above mentioned ways. You can dial ‘100’ number at the Police Control Room or any helpline number or Police Station number.
Cyber Crime Investigation Cell
Amritsar Police has set up Cyber Cell to deal with Internet and Web related offences in February 2009. They Cell is working under direct supervision of SSP Amritsar. The cell has dedicated officers to handle such type of cases. It also takes support from the professionals in case of need. SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh is also a trained cyber crime investigator and under his dynamic leadership, Cyber cell has been able to crack many cases of cyber crime. Some of the important cases are: Nigerian lottery fraud, GNDU E-mail scam, Obscene e-mails and fake IDs case of Amritsar, etc. Cases of Data theft, Cyber Stalking, Hacking, Virus attack, Pornography, E-mail threat, Obscene E-mails, Credit card frauds, Extortions through E-mail, Lottery, fake banking, fraud awards, Annoying and obscene SMSs are dealt with in the cyber cell. This cell is also working to create awareness in the masses regarding this subject as people in general are victims of such crimes because of lack of knowledge. Cyber Crime Investigation Cell is located at Police Post Circuit House where complaints are received manually. Besides this people were encouraged to report such cases on dedicated e-mails cybercellamritsar@yahoo.com or policehelp100@gmail.com.
Amritsar, 12 October 2009 Amritsar police has unearthed Internet lottery scam and arrested a Nigerian citizen ‘Amaechi’ and his associate identified as Sukanta Goswami of Durgapur. This gang which is based in Nigeria operated from there and use to send emails and SMS’s to various people all over India that they have won millions of dollars. The accused firstly used to allure the people with millions of rupees and later duped them by taking lakhs from them on the pretext of processing fee. And once the people used to contact this gang, the accused asked for processing fee or other charges worth lakhs so that the lottery amount can be given to the winners. This case was registered on the complaint of Rajwinder Singh of Amritsar who was duped by this gang and lost Rs. 4.25 lakhs in this process on the pretext of 5 million dollars the Nigerian lottery scheme. The accused had various accounts in Indian banks, carried PAN numbers and mobile numbers. The mails were sent to the people from Nigeria, Delhi, Mumbai and Calcutta. In one of the accounts of the accused Rs. 91 lakhs was deposited between March 2008 to January 2009. It has been found that the man who traps the victim through Internet is given 50% percent of the collection; bank account holder in whose account the money is deposited gets 10-15 percent and man who acts as a diplomat representative gets 15 percent. Amaechi acts as a Diplomat who brings the consignment and also prepares the diplomatic consignments, which are to given to the duped persons. A case has been registered under various sections of the IPC and Information Technology Act 2000 has been registered in Police Station Civil Lines Amritsar. So far 10 persons have been nominated in this case and most of them belong to Nigeria. Further investigations are going on.
SSP directs cyber cafe owners to install CCTV cameras (The Tribune, Chandigarh, August 2, 2008)
Amritsar/ In the wake of misuse of cyber cafés by terrorist organisations for anti-national activities, the district police held a meeting with owners of city cafés here on Thursday. The meeting was attended by 75 café owners from all over the city. SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh directed the owners to install CCTV cameras in their cafes and keep a seven-day recording back up with them. Besides, they should take a copy of the identity proof of the visitors and maintain a computerised record of the user’s name, address, phone number and e-mail, along with time and date of using computer. He asked the cyber owners to submit these details to the police station concerned on monthly basis either in person or through e-mail. In addition, no café would be allowed to keep cabins and the owner would be responsible for any misuse of computer or network if records were not taken as instructed. Among others present were SP (city-II) S.S. Mann, SP (HQ) S.S. Sidhu and DSP Randhir. [www.tribuneindia.com/2008/20080802/aplus1.htm]
Amritsar Police launched Crusade against Drug Menace
Amritsar Police launched a multi-pronged strategy in a campaign against drug trafficking and succeeded to control this menace to a considerable extent. Amritsar and adjoining areas has become transit route for the Golden Crescent, Asia’s principal area of illicit opium production. The Golden Crescent overlaps three nations, Afghanistan, Iran, and Pakistan, whose mountainous peripheries define the crescent. Under Demand reduction strategy, a number of awareness camps and rallies were organized in the holy city under the guidance of District Police in various schools, colleges and especially in the localities like Anngarh, Maqboolpura, Gawal Mandi, Islamabad, Sultanwind Road and Hindustani basti where this problem was at an alarming stage. Youths were sensitized about the ill-effects of drugs and methods to get rid of it through one act plays and skits. Various NGOs and social institutions like Rotary club, Lions club including religious institutions were associated with this campaign. The police launched a crusade against drug traffickers to cut the supply line. In this campaign notorious drug smugglers were arrested and brought to book in 2008. Under the guidance and supervision of Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh, the District Police Chief, a huge quantity of narcotic drugs were recovered which include more than 50 kg of Heroine, 20 kg of Opium, 5 kg Charas and 5 kg Smack besides Cocaine and Poppy husk. The police went ahead to forfeit/ seize the properties of the traffickers under various provisions of NDPS Act. More than 36 cases of forfeiture were forwarded to the Competent Authority, Government of India by the District Police. A workshop was also organized in collaboration with the Competent Authority in Amritsar in 2008. Besides this, a series of raids were conducted in collaboration with the authorities of Health Department against medicine shops selling illegal and prohibited drugs.
Cops tighten noose around peddlers [The Tribune, Chandigarh, January 23, 2008]
P.K. Jaiswar Amritsar, January 22 Claims by the police to have controlled the drug menace in the city by as much as 90 per cent notwithstanding, the number of cases registered under the NDPS Act have risen from 296 in 2006 to 495 registered last year. This has also led to the arrest of as many as 593 persons last year as against 324 during 2006, according to SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh. The SSP attributed this success to active policing and continuous public help. The department also conducted a number of joint raids along with a drug inspector against chemists involved in this racket, thus bringing down the sale of spurious drugs and intoxicants, the SSP said. The police also seized more than 5 kg of smack and 4 kg of charas, the SSP added. Many women also formed an important part of the supply chain. The police booked 37 drug smugglers under section 68F of the NDPS Act, including notorious Sukhi and her associates and seized their properties, the SSP said. “To ensure community participation, especially schools and colleges, we organised seminars and anti-drug rallies,” the SSP added. The police seized 4.181 kg of opium, 467 kg of poppy husk, 1.5 kg of heroin, 5.205 kg of smack, 4.535 kg of charas, 2.9 kg of ganja, 158 kg of bhang and 14.680 kg of narcotic powder last year. [http://www.tribuneindia.com/2008/20080123/aplus1.htm#6]
Ex-cop held with drugs, fake currency [The Tribune, Chandigarh, 2 January 2008]
Amritsar, January 1 The police has arrested Ashwini Kumar, a former constable, for his alleged involvement in drug peddling and robbery. Te police also recovered 300 gm of smack worth Rs 30 lakh and fake currency worth Rs 10,000 in the denomination of Rs 500 from his possession. A case under section 489 A, B, C of the IPC and section 22/61/85 of the NDPS Act has been registered at Police Station A-Division, Amritsar. According to district police chief Kunwar Vijay Partap Singh, the accused was involved in a series of criminal cases, including murder, robbery and drug smuggling in Delhi, Punjab and Haryana. The accused used to bring smack from Meerut and Delhi. He allegedly also connected to terrorist outfits functioning from abroad, the SSP added. Ashwini was in jail for more than six years in a case of robbery of Rs 49 lakh from a bank in Delhi. [www.tribuneindia.com/2008/20080102/aplus1.htm]
Three smugglers arrested with 18 Kg Heroin Amritsar 25.04.2008 Amritsar Police has arrested three smugglers and recovered 18 kg heroine from their possession. Those arrested include Jagjit Singh @ Jaggi of Village Hawelian PS Sarai Amanat Khan Amritsar, Mahavir Singh of village Dhun near Harike and Kirpal Singh @ Kuku of village Guru Ki Wadali. This is one of the biggest catch by the Police in the recent past. They had brought this consignment from Pakistan through Fazilka Sector one month before on the dark night of Amawasya. This was sent by Bhola Ghurkiwala of Village Gazal, Pakistan through one courier Boota. When they took delivery of the consignment, they deceived Bhola by saying that the consignment has been snatched by some persons. However they managed to hide the same at some secret place. They were in the process to send the consignment to Delhi. On a secret information District Police has laid trap since consignment reached in Indian side. One revolver .32 bore was also recovered from their possession. One vehicle Ford Icon was also recovered from their possession. The operation was conducted under the direct supervision of Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh SSP Amritsar City assisted by SP Surjit Singh, SP Surinder Singh Sidhu, SP SS Mann, DSP Balkar Singh, DSP Jagdeep Singh and DSP Gurnam Singh. Inspector Navjot Singh, SI Vavinder Kumar, SI Swarn Singh and ASI Ramesh Kumar actively participated in the operation besides 50 Police officers of the rank of Constable and Head Constable. Those who participated in the operation will be awarded with Commendation Certificate. Three cases have been registered in this regard in Police Station Sadar and B Division Amritsar under various sections of NDPS Act and Arms Act. Jagjit Singh @ Jaggi and Mahavir Singh were involved in many cases of robbery, NDPS and fake currency. The father( Nirvair Singh) and brother(Sukhbir Singh) of Mahavir are lodged in a case of drug in Agra Central Jail.
Three smugglers arrested with 12 Kg Heroin Amritsar 30.04.2008 Amritsar Police has arrested three smugglers and recovered 12 Kg heroine from their possession. Those arrested include Vidyasagar of Jammu, Baldev Singh of Ludhiana and Rajbir Kaur of Amritsar. This is the second big catch by the District Police in this week. Five days back, Amritsar Police had arrested three smugglers with 18 Kg heroine. This consignment was brought from Pakistan via Jammu by Vidyasagar and was delivered to Baldev which was to be further sent to Delhi. On a secret information District Police has laid trap near Bus Stand and recovered 11 Kg of the consignment and arrested Vidyasagar and Baldev. One Kg of the consignment was seized from Rajbir Kaur. Rajbir Kaur is the wife of Baljinder Singh@ Satnam Singh who escaped from the custody some three weeks back. She has also been booked under various sections of IPC for actively helping Baljinder to escape from the custody. She was earlier arrested in a case of NDPS Act and was released on bail in the November last. The police is conducting raids to arrest the escaped smuggler. The operation was conducted under the supervision of Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh SSP Amritsar City assisted by SP Surjit Singh, SP Surinder Singh Sidhu, SP SS Mann, DSP Balkar Singh, DSP Ranbir Singh. Inspector Navjot Singh, SI Vavinder Kumar, SI Swarn Singh and SI Sukhwinder Singh, Baldev Singh, ASI Dilbagh Singh and ASI Prabhjit Singh actively participated in the operation besides a number of Police officers of the rank of Constable and Head Constable. Those who participated in the operation have been awarded with Commendation Certificate. Two cases have been registered in this regard in Police Station Civil Line and A Division Amritsar under various sections of NDPS Act.
Martyrs Memorial Inaugurated
We salute our warriors and pay our tributes to make their dreams true. ‘Martyrs’ Memorial’ was constructed in the Police Line Amritsar in the memory of brave soldiers of Punjab Police who laid their lives at the altar of duty to save the society and to save the nation. The Memorial was inaugurated on 21 October 2008 on the eve of Commemoration Day by Prof. Laxmi Kanta Chawla, Honourable Minister of Health and Family Welfare, Punjab. Prof. Chawla has also played a pivotal role in tackling militancy in Punjab and she is popularly known as ‘sister’ of Police officers. This is one of the dream projects of SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh. The Police Commemoration Day is observed every year on 21st of October to pay homage to the police personnel who laid down their lives while patrolling at Hot Spring (Ladakh) during an attack by the Chinese Army on October 21, 1959.
Amritsar gets Traffic Helpline
Amritsar Police has set up Traffic Control Room for the convenience of the citizens. It was inaugurated by Sh. Param Pal Singh Sidhu, DIG Border Range on 19.07.2008. Addressing the officers at this occasion, the DIG stressed upon implementing latest technologies to streamline the traffic system of the holy city. Implementation of basic traffic rules and inculcating civic sense in the citizens are our top priorities in the changing scenario. Besides SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh, officers of Traffic wing and SP Surinder Singh, SP Surjit Singh, SP SS Mann, DSP Balkar Singh, DSP Ranbir Singh, DSP Gurmit Singh and a number of SHOs were present at this occasion. At this occasion, the DIG also flagged off two ambulance vans which remain available round the clock. These ambulance vans respond in case of any accident or any kind of emergency. The ambulances carry first aid boxes and other equipments. Each ambulance is headed by an officer of the rank of ASI assisted by 4 constables in each shift. Two shifts have been made for round the clock supervision. SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh said that a dedicated phone line has been started to facilitate the citizens. The number is 0183-2210300. In case of any emergency, accident or traffic jam, our citizens can utilise this number for Police help. Special wireless room has also been set up in this control room. This control room will work in close coordination with the main Police Control Room. A quick Reaction Team has also been set up which will be sent in case of any serious crime is reported in the city. Whenever a serious crime is reported QRT is sent to the place of occurrence in addition to force from the concerned Police Station. The QRT is equipped with all necessary instruments including investigation kit. The team is headed by an officer of the rank of ASI well versed in Investigation and also in crowd control. The QRT has been provided wireless sets and Mobile Phone. The QRT assists the Police of concerned Police Station in emergent situations. People were given traffic helpline numbers to contact the police regarding any problem related with traffic. Traffic Control: 01832210300, 9781130630 Traffic Help (Golden Temple Zone): 9781130275 Hall Bajar: 9781130276 Bus Stand: 9781130277 Bhandari Bridge: 9781130278 Lawrence Road: 9781130279 Traffic Help (Civil Line Zone): 9781130280 DSP Traffic: 9781130115 E-mail: policehelp100@gmail.com, ssp.amritsarcity@nic.in, asrssp@yahoo.co.in
Honorary Traffic Wardens Traffic Warden system has been introduced in the city to get peoples cooperation in traffic management. Any adult citizen can become a traffic warden voluntarily. A separate room has been earmarked for Honorary Traffic Wardens in the Traffic control Room. Any responsible person (in the age group of 18-50) residing in Amritsar, who wants to become honorary traffic warden, has to apply in a prescribed format to the Traffic Police at the counter of Traffic Control Room. He/ she should be years. The format can be downloaded from this website and it can be sent online to cprcamritsar@gmail.com. After scrutiny of the application, The traffic wardens are appointed purely on honorary basis and allotted different beats/areas. Besides, they are helpful to overcome any specific traffic related problem
Join hands to improve Traffic in the Holy City
Dear Citizens It is the responsibility of Traffic Police to ensure smooth flow of Traffic in the city. You are aware that Traffic Police has to be dependant upon various agencies/departments to make it convenient for the common people. The major cause of Traffic jam in the city is increasing volume of traffic on the roads. Encroachment on the roads and shortage of parking as well as under utilization of existing parking aggravates the problem. Bhandari Bridge and Hall Gate are two main points of congestion in the city. It is our constant endeavour to decongest these two points. Delay in the completion of elevated road project has posed further threat to road-users. Ongoing our lane project of GT road and approaching Bye-pass roads simultaneous has increased the number of accidents every day. Construction/repair of Batala Road and sewerage work on Majitha Road has added chaos and mismanagement despite our best efforts. Every commercial establishment has space for parking on paper but in practice they utilize the same for commercial purpose. Amritsar Traffic Police is doing its level best to improve the situation. However you can also help us in this effort. As you know, “every citizen is a police officer” and you have all the powers of police for specific purposes. I seek your assistance to improve traffic situation in the holy city. You can also post your valuable suggestions either through this blog or on policehelp100@gmail.com or kunwarv@yahoo.com. • Please utilize parking of Nehru shopping complex and do not park your vehicles on Lawrence Road. Let us make Lawrence Road parking free spot. • You can also utilize the parking at Bhandari Bridge (Deen Dayal Upadhyay Complex). Businessmen of Hall Bajar can utilize this conveniently. • Parking at Saragarhi is now ready for the commuters. The vehicles going to the holy Golden Temple can be parked there. It is also useful for shop-keepers of Katra Jaimal Singh. • From Sheranwala gate to Malka Boot (Fountain chowk) has been made one way for the vehicles going towards golden temple. The road starting from Kotwali (town hall) to Mahan Singh Gate has also been made one way for the vehicles going towards Bus Stand. However the shopkeepers of this area have been given some relaxation here. • From Bhandari Bridge to Rambagh you can approach the strait road (left hand side) without going to Hall gate. • At Bhandari Bridge, we have fixed central dividers to prevent assimilation of incoming and outgoing traffic. Central dividers have also been fixed to divide the traffic from Bhandari Bridge to Railway Station and towards Court Road (Ashoka Chowk). At the Bhandari Bridge, sub-lanes have been made workable on both the sides for cycle rickshaw and auto rickshaw. • While coming from Tarn Taran Road towards Civil Line or Cantonment area, you can take left turn from Lohgarh chowk and come via Tank Chowk-Riggo Bridge. • You can also take left turn from Central Valmiki Mandir to Bhandari Bridge via Workshop. We have made special arrangements to make this road free from encroachments. • Do not encourage cycle Rickshaw and Auto-Rickshaw to park on road sides. Please pull the top of Cycle Rickshaw up, while travelling in Cycle Rickshaw. • The auto drivers have been enforced not to carry passengers on the driver’s seat. They have also been prohibited to carry school children more than the capacity of the van. The District Police wishes for cooperation from the citizens to streamline traffic system in the city. With Regards Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh, SSP Amritsar
Tourism Police Set up
Amritsar is an important tourist destination of Northern India. Golden Temple, Jallianwala Bagh, Durgiana Temple and Wagha Border are main attractions in Amritsar. Pul Kanjari, Ram Tirath and Jama Masjid Khairuddin are other important places to visit. Amritsar Police has set up Tourism Police to ensure safety and security of the Tourists. Amritsar Tourism Police was set up in January 2008. It is headed by one Inspector who is assisted by 30 police officials of various ranks. Amritsar Tourism Police has been deputed at six points namely Golden Temple, Airport, Durgiana temple, Jallianwala Bagh, Railway Station, and Attari Border. It was inaugurated by Punjab Chief Minister Sardar Parkash Singh Badal on 31.01.2008. Launching the Tourism Police the Chief Minister lauded the efforts of local police and told that Amritsar is an important tourist destination and also a transit point, where from international and national tourists make onward journey to various other places. SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh told that the Tourism Police will be linked with Punjab Tourism Development Corporation to make it more professional and well equipped. Tips for Safety and Security of Tourists A few simple precautions should be sufficient to ensure your safety: 1. Take help from Tourism police and other police officers on duty as per need. 2. Leave valuables and important papers, such as jewelry, foreign currency and passports, secured in your hotel's safe deposit box. Never leave these items unattended in your room or carry large sums of cash and valuables on your person. 3. Carry your wallet in an inside jacket pocket or side trouser pocket, never in the rear pocket. 4. Always keep a photocopy of your passport and visa while moving in the city. 5. Do not move in any unknown vehicle. Ask for pre-paid taxi/auto. Take help from the hotel manager and or Tourism Police for vehicle assistance. 6. Do not take cycle rickshaw. These are neither safe nor balanced. There is always possibility of falling down from the cycle rickshaws. 7. In case in (emergency) you take cycle rickshaw, Please pull up the hood/top of the rickshaw. It will also make you secure from incidents like snatching and eve-teasing. 8. Carry small bags in the bend of your elbow, held close to your body. 9. Be wary of unexpected persons coming to your hotel room. Never open the door to unsolicited room service or maintenance people. Contact the front desk if you have any doubts. 10. Do not take any eatable from any unknown person or taxi driver.
Police Help lines for the Tourists Main Helpline: 01832210300, 9781130501 Golden Temple: 9781130213, 9781130219 Railway Station: 9781130256 Airport: 9781130221 Wagha Border: 9781130222
Dear Citizens I am grateful to you for extending whole-hearted support in curbing crime from the holy city. With your active cooperation, we have been able to nab many hardcore criminals who are always treated as a threat for this city. Many criminals left the city and settled to some other locations in the past. Our idea is to provide you an atmosphere in which all activities (social, economic, cultural, religious etc) can flourish without fear or favour. Law and order situation has a wide role in every sphere of society. We have recently set up CPRC (Community Police Resource Centre) in the holy city to provide you all kinds of public utility services under one roof with quality and effectiveness. This centre is situated near Police Station Sadar and now it is your responsibility to streamline it for your maximum benefit. The present website www.amritsarpolice.com is now ready for your assistance and will provide you all kinds of information and services like FIR, Passport verification, untraced report etc in a highly professional manner. This website is full of ideas and schemes to give this holy city a model policing which I dreamt long back. We have now prepared a roadmap to advance ahead and we can add a new chapter in the history of policing. My vision and mission for this holy city will be fulfilled if and only if you extend your heartfelt support. I am thankful to every citizen, every police officer, senior officers and all others who extended even a little support in this mission. Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh, IPS Senior Superintendent of Police Amritsar
Amritsar Police adopts Yoga route to improve its functioning
Amritsar Police has adopted Yoga route to improve police functioning by increasing the efficiency of the manpower by reducing stress, fatigue and obesity. The experiment is aiming to better police public relations and improved police behaviour. Started with Yoga camps in the Police Lines, now it has been extended to Police Stations as a regular curriculum of Police. Swami Ramdevji and Acharya Balkishanji have also visited Amritsar police Lines to encourage this mission. Now more than 20 police officials have been trained in Patanjali Yoga Peeth Haridwar and they have been posted in various Police Stations as regular Yoga Teachers. Our main objective is to develop positive thought in the police officers and make them physically and mentally fit. We are getting encouraging results and fitness level of the police officials improved drastically. We have got very good response from the officers of all ranks and it has proven very beneficial in the day to day policing especially in public dealing. Moreover it is very useful to keep the policemen fit and also to cure diseases like blood pressure, sugar, hyper tension, drug addiction etc.
Swami Ramdevji visited Amritsar Police Lines Swami Ramdevji visited Police Lines Amritsar on April 19, 2008 and gave tips to Police officers to keep body and mind healthy to serve the society in a better way. He emphasizes that protectors of the society have to keep sound health and told that a sick cop cannot care for the citizens. He also emphasizes the importance of Pranayam and various Asanas to keep a police man fit for duty. Citing the theory of karma, he also stressed upon inculcating moral values in the police for better service of the nation. Besides police personnel of various ranks, a large gathering from the community participated in the camp. He stated that the country is passing through a phase of transition because of degradation of moral values and ethical standards. He cited that Character building is the sole solution of this problem. Swamiji said that bold and conscientious citizens are the hour of the day who do not bend upon greed, do not stop before obstacles and remain undeterred by criticism. He appreciated Amritsar SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh for taking Yoga route to bring police reforms and introducing this in the daily curriculum of the police. He promised to extend all cooperation to make it successful. It is pertinent to mention here that Amritsar Police adopted Yoga to improve police functioning by increasing core competencies. Yoga plays a key role in the police to reduce the stress level of the cops. The experiment is aiming to better police public relations and improved police behavior.
First Yoga camp for stress management (May 2007) The first camp was organized in the May 2007 in the Police Line and Yoga was made a part of police routine with active cooperation of the teachers of Amritsar Chapter of Patanjali Yog Vidyapeeth (founded by Swami Ramdev). One week Yoga camp was concluded on 19th of May 2007 in the Police Lines Amritsar, where more than 300 police officers of various ranks right from Constable to SSP participated. Besides this, 20 police officers were selected for advanced Yoga Course so that they can be trained as Yoga Teachers. Amritsar Police included yoga in the daily routine of the police officers. Every morning, the police stations and other units will have yoga classes in future. District Coordinator of Patanjali Yog Vidyapeeth Subhash Suman and Awan Parashar along with other yoga teachers were prominent to make this camp successful.
Refresher camp in January 2008 In the first week of January 2008, One week refresher camp was organized in the premises of Madhav Vidya Niketan Amritsar, where more than 500 police officers of various ranks right from Constable to SSP participated apart from school teachers and commoners. The camp was organized in collaboration with Amritsar Chapter of Patanjali Yog Vidyapeeth Hardwar (founded by Swami Ramdev). The inaugural address was given by Hon'ble Mr. Justice Permod Kohli of Punjab and Haryana High Court while Sant Balbir Singh Sinchewal addressed the concluding session. Noted environmentalist Sant Balbir Singh Sinchewal especially visited Amritsar to chair the concluding session to encourage the officers. At this occasion he emphasized the importance of Yoga and meditation in the police functioning. Second refresher camp in February 2008 Another refresher camp was organized in February 2008 under the guidance of Thakur Ranjan Das of Patanjali Yog Vidyapeeth, Hardwar. It was also organised in the campus of Madhav Vidya Niketan Amritsar. Thakur Ranjan Das gave some practical tips to the police men for improvement in the health standards.
Acharya Balkrshanji visited in March 2008 In the March 2008, Acharya Balkrshanji visited Police Line Amritsar and bestowed his blessings to the cops and described the importance of Yoga in policing. Acharyaji was very glad to see the level of enthusiasm of police officers in Yogic learning. He emphasised that Yoga is the sole source of social reform as well as Police reforms. Health Minister Prof. Laxmi Kanta Chawla was very kind to make this event successful.
SSP Amritsar a Yoga Teacher Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh, Amritsar Police Chief has taken keen interest in implementing Yoga in day to day functioning of the Police. He attended advanced courses in yoga since his college days. Because of his personal interests, yoga has been made a part of regular police routine in Amritsar. Seeing his interests in implementing Yoga, 20 police officials were imparted free Yoga training in Patanjali Yoga Peeth Haridwar and Swami Ramdevji bestowed his blessings to encourage them. With his efforts National women Yoga Championship was organised in Amritsar in September 2008.
Teachers appointed for Police Stations We have deputed Yoga teachers in every Police Station who are responsible to arrange Yoga classes every morning in the Police Stations. They were trained by Patanjali Yog Vidyapeeth, Hardwar in two batches in June and July 2009. They are also responsible to keep health card of police officials and make them physically and mentally fit. Amritsar Police is the first district in India to depute trained Yoga Teachers in the Police Stations.
Dr. Kalam addresses IPS Trainee Officers
Amritsar/ 26.07.2008 Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam, former President of India, addressed IPS trainee Officers. Dr. Kalam was here in the holy city to attend some programmes related to social cause. He also met students of various schools informally. The officer trainees came to Amritsar regarding cultural cum educational tour from National Police Academy Hyderabad. SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh took this coincidence as an opportunity to organise an interactive session with Dr. Kalam for the benefit of the Trainee Officers. Dr. Kalam also took this opportunity for the good of the country. He asked the officers to maintain values and ethical standards in policing to help India to become a role model. He emphasised on self discipline and character building for the officers so that they can be able to work for the common people. He also put emphasis on the use of new technologies for the convenience of the common citizens. He appreciated the efforts made by Amritsar Police to lodge FIRs on the basis of information received through e-mail. He stressed upon the need of providing justice on the doorsteps of the citizens and the police can play pivotal role in this. He also administered oath to the officers ‘to perform with integrity and to gain courage to succeed with integrity’ to work for the poorest section of the society. Giving importance to ‘knowledge’ he said that Knowledge is the most valuable wealth in the global village. In the words of Dr. Kalam: “Learning gives creativity Creativity leads to thinking Thinking provides knowledge Knowledge makes you great” This was a very interactive and useful session and the officers also asked a number of queries. It was an overwhelming experience for the officers. At this occasion Mr. Ajay Kumar Nand, Assistant Director of National Police Academy Hyderabad was also present besides Amritsar SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh.
Guard of Honour to the Vice-President of India
An impressive guard of honour was presented to the Vice President of India by Amritsar Police on 12th January 2009. DSP Kirpal Singh led the 50 members squad where SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh and DIG PPS Sidhu were present at this occasion. The Vice-President was in the city to inaugurate the 14th National Youth Festival.
National Youth Festival 2009
The Fourteenth National Youth Festival was organised in Amritsar from 12th -16th January, 2009. The inaugural ceremony was organised in the campus of Guru Nanak Dev University. This prestigious event was hosted by Punjab for the first time. Amritsar Police has made very good arrangements for this event right from inaugural event to the closing ceremony. The Police Liaison Officers deputed by Amritsar Police were highly appreciated by the participants of various states. More than 4000 participants of 35 States/ Union Territories participated in this mega event. Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh, the District Police Chief was a member of the National Steering Committee. The Chairman of the National Steering Committee Dr. M. S. Gill, Minister for Youth Affairs & Sports, Government of India extended appreciations to the District Police Chief and other officers associated with this event.
Kiran Bedi for Corrective Policing
Kiran Bedi, the first women IPS officer of India, visited Amritsar Police Lines on February 19, 2008. Addressing the officers of Amritsar Police, she emphasised to improve the work culture of Indian Police and asked the police men to serve the community with full dedication and commitment. The basic role of the police is to take care of underprivileged class of the society and so the police should make efforts to win back people’s confidence. The policemen were misusing their uniform to make quick buck and that is why scams like illegal kidney trade were flourishing in the country. Appreciating the devotion and commitment of SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh, she told the officials to extend full cooperation to him to make Amritsar Police a role model. She expressed her satisfaction on the judgment of the Apex Court dated September 22, 2006 and asked to implement it in letter and spirit to make the police more powerful and people friendly. More than two hundred police officials were present at this occasion including SP Kaustubh Sharma, SP Surjit Singh and SS Mann. Earlier she addressed the students of SR Government College for Women on the eve of annual sports prize distribution function and asked the girls to identify their hidden talent and make themselves self-independent. She was overwhelmed to visit the college from where she did her Bachelor's degree in English (Hons).
Peaceful Elections in Amritsar
Parliament Elections in Amritsar District concluded in a free and fair manner. The district police ensured peaceful and independent polling on 13.05.2009. Amritsar was declared hyper sensitive constituency for various reasons. It shares very sensitive and open border with Pakistan. Besides, Amritsar is the home district of the Prime Minister of India. On the other hand BJP stalwart and cricketer turned politician Navjot Sidhu was in the field for the third time from this prestigious parliamentary constituency. Amritsar Police took it as a challenge and conducted the elections in the most peaceful and independent manner. Not a single incidence of violence was reported from anywhere during the entire polling process. District Police Chief Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh himself prepared the strategy and final plan for the elections. Under the command of four SPs and 10 DSPs, a huge contingent of Amritsar District Police and Para Military Forces were deputed for the purpose. Amritsar Police received appreciations from all quarters especially from the general public.
Amritsar remained peaceful during large scale violence out of Vienna Episode
The situation in the holy city which got tense in Punjab after attack on some religious leaders in Vienna on May 24, 2009 remained absolutely normal. Amritsar Police took the situation under control right in the first hour as soon as the violence broke out on Monday. The police used force on the mischief-mongers on time resultantly damage was contained to the minimum. The crowd managed to break window-panes of 5 to 6 buses inside the Bus Stand but were forced to flee on police action when they tried to set a bus ablaze. The crowd was prevented at Bhandari Bridge from rushing to the Railway Station with intent to vandalise and cause damage to Public Property. Similarly when the mob tried to break the glasses of shops in Hall Bazar and Katra Jaimal Singh area, the Police dispersed the crowd using cells of tear gas. SSP Kunwar Vijay Pratap Singh was himself leading the front during entire period of uproar. The police did not impose curfew in any part of Amritsar. However shops and other establishments were closed on Monday in and around Bus Stand, Hall Bajar and Katra Jaimal Singh as a matter of precaution. The Civil Lines area remained untouched with the disturbance as traffic police closed both the bridges – Bhandari Bridge as well as New Bridge of Hukum Singh Road. The District Police showed tremendous response and reflection to control the situation and we did not call for Army or Para Military Forces though Army was kept on high alert here. The representatives of Shri Ravidass community met the District Police Chief yesterday and assured to cooperate in the peace process for restoring normalcy in the city. All the officers remained accessible for the public round the clock including SSP (9814085205), ASP (9781130106), DSP City (9781130107), Kotwali SHO (9781130205), SHO PS Rambagh (9781130201) in case of any trouble. ASP Pradeep Yadav, DSP Manwinder Singh, SP Babu Lal, Inspector Vikram Sharma, Sukhwinder Singh, Navjot Singh, SI Viswamitter and Harsandeep Singh successfully led the police contingents during the entire episode. District Police expressed sincere gratitude to the responsible citizens of Amritsar City for their kind cooperation and assistance.